Today was considerably a boring day. Because its sunday, the day i hate the most! Wondering why? cause tomorrow's monday!! School... So to get myself occupied, i went to West Mall intending to do some shopping with my you know who (Don't Know? Don't Care).
Wanted to buy a new wallet since my old one was long gone. But i noticed that West Mall sells ain't no wallet at all! And they called it a mall.. Anyway, i got bored over the mall and send my you know who home. On the way there, i caught myself studying social studies about Singapore History not in school or libary but at a park!!
Since NDP is near, the Jurong GRC posted a banner on Singapore's History at almost every lamp post that dates back to the early 50s. After much amazement of the banners, i randomly go to a barber shop and ask the hairstylist to give my hair a ship shape. When the hairstylist asked what pattern, i replied in an unusual way saying "Anything that looks nice."
If you guys ever relised that within these past few days, i helplessly can't be bothered to do anything to make my hair looks nice. But now, in my opinion, it is nice from the front, neat and tidy. Btw, Please, my hair is better than McSpicy or Big Mac! He got a cocked up hair.
To end this post, Why not let me express my nice hair?! 2 words to make it short, Its Nice. And to those who disagree, Just because your hair sucks, It doesn't mean that you can destroy mine. xD ttyl!